Technically Supported by

Dr B R Ambedkar NIT Jalandhar

IIT Roorkee
Organizing Committees
Invited Speakers
About Venue
Registered Papers
Camera Ready Submission
Special Sessions
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Paper Reviewing Guidelines

All submitted papers for the proceedings will be reviewed according to the following guidelines:

Scope and Similarity Check: Scope will be mapped as mentioned in the Call for Paper(s) and all the submitted papers shall be checked with the licensed Plagiarism Software "Turnitin". Paper having less than 20% Similarity index with not more than 3% mapping will be considered for further process of reviewing.
Originality: The measure of the creativity or inventiveness of the author, including new concepts, techniques, and methods.
Significance:The importance or worth of the reported work.
Completeness: The oneness or wholeness of the work. In this usage, the reported work should be marked by a unity and continuity of parts and show interdependence between these parts.
Acknowledgment: The adequate and accurate use of references to attribute the work of others.
Organization:The careful planning and logical structure of the manuscript.
Clarity:The correctness of English spelling and grammar, as well as the clear presentation of tables, graphs, and illustrations.
Formatting:The adherence to the full paper template. Papers that do not meet the requirements of the template will not be accepted by the publishing house and cannot be published.
In Association with

Proceedings of CAMSE 2024
Organized by
Important Dates
Abstract Submission : OPEN
September 30, 2024
Acceptance :
October 30, 2024
Final Submission of Paper :
November 5, 2024
Registration :
November 5, 2024
Date of Conference :
November 22 - 23, 2024
Abstract Submission

Special Journal Issue(s)